Don't get me wrong. I have periods of sadness, pain, and weakness. (If you a readers of this blog I have no need to tell you about it.) I have the need to feel, these feelings. But I can understand the importance of taking advantage of the days that feel normal; the days that are status quo. Those are the days to push, to forge on ahead, to live life, to be hopeful and to be thankful.
So today is one of those days and I am compelled to write about it. Just a normal day and I rejoice! Thinking of my last scan and hearing the word "calcifications" for the first time and I rejoice! Attending Sunday Mass and I rejoice! Having dinner with my family and I rejoice! Fresh, clean sheets on the bed and I rejoice! Looking at my husband and children's pictures and I rejoice. Shopping and finding a bargain and I rejoice! Thinking about my career in healthcare and I rejoice! There are so many things in my life that are good. Not just good, but great. Today I will continue to notice the good things and put the scary, bad things aside.
So today is one of those days I feel alive. I feel like I will beat this cancer. I realize that I have already beaten the odds. I will continue to rejoice the good things in my life. And today I will also pray for those that see nothing but darkness in their lives. Everyone deserves a little light and in the midst of bad things you may have to dig for that light, or even wait for that light. And when it flickers just push to make it shine. Have a great day everyone. I've climbed through the darkness yet another time. I've made status quo feel wonderful!
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